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The Daughters Take the Stage by Joanna Philbin

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The Daughters Take the Stage 

 (Daughters, book 3)


Joanna Philbin
Read a synopsis here!
Number of pages: 273
This is the third book in The Daughters series and I thought it was the most....not disappointing but repetitive. It's not repetitive of the other two books (not at all! They're all different!) but I felt the story line was dragged out a little too long.
So, in this book we follow Hudson as she tries to step out of her mom's spotlight. Holla Jones is a multi-platinum singer and Hudson wants to start her own album, but her mom always intervenes and changes the sound of the album. Hudson is tired of being under her mom's rule so she assigns her self a "life-coach" (another girl who goes to her school) to help her overcome some of her fears.
Hudson starts off by rebelling her mom in small ways and eventually joins a band without her mother's knowledge. (This is after the fact that Hudson dropped her album because she was so frustrated with her mom)
I don't want to say to much more for fear of spoiling the story, but it goes from there on Hudson's adventures of hiding the band from her mom and coming to terms with the fact that she should stand up for herself more.
It was a great story, don't get me wrong, but I just felt that it could have been sped up a little and some parts could have been left out. I also connected with this book the least (I think the one before this is by far my favorite so far, but I'm still waiting to read the fourth one in the series!!)
Can't wait for the next book, I love this series more and more with each book that is produced!
See you soon!


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